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Books and Collected Contributions

book on superconductivity

Connectivity and Superconductivity

JB and J. Rubinstein (Springer, 2000)

Deals theoretically and experimentally with the influence of the boundaries on the superconducting state.

transition to superconductor or insulator

Physica C 468 (2008) 255-368
JB, Y. Oreg, D. Shahar, and B. Shapiro

Special issue on fluctuations and phase transitions in superconductors

ספר לימוד במכניקה

Lecture Notes in Mechanics

An undergraduate textbook (in Hebrew), initially published by Magnes (2014). A link for free download of the PDF can be requested from the author.

Favorite Publications

I like them because I think they are thought provoking*

Szilard engine

Unlike Maxwell’s demon, Szilard’s demon does not require the result of a measurement in order to perform the appropriate action. This…         more

encoded order

This essay presents the motivation for fighting this law and proposes several compelling contrivances that apparently could circumvent...  more

unusual vortex

Flux-induced vortex in mesoscopic superconducting loops 
Phys. Rev. B 59 (1999) 8896-8901

This paper studies the order parameter in doubly connected supercon-ducting samples in a uniform magnetic field. It is found that there...   more 

dc voltage from noise

Noise rectification by a superconducting loop with two weak links

Phys. Rev. B 70 (2004) 024524

A circuit with two Josephson junctions with unequal nonsinusoidal current-phase relation (CPR) can behave as a Brownian motor. As such, it... more

analog to Nernst effect

Flux-induced Nernst effect in a superconducting loop 

Supercond. Sci. Technol. 28 (2015) 065008

This paper considers a superconducting ring at nonuniform temperature that encloses a magnetic flux (no driving current). An average dc...    more 

קדושת היום השביעי

On the sanctity of the seventh day

Unpublished—hardly publishable

More fiction than science, but supports the scientific method. A story about creation of humankind in pseudo biblical Hebrew.

local release of power

Thermodynamic failure in GL approach to fluctuation super...

Phys. Rev. B 109 (2024) 024501

Heat flow in equilibrium? A nonuniform superconducting loop above its critical temperature encloses a magnetic flux. Following the usual...   more

Johnson noise for unequal temperatures

Non-local origin in the Johnson noise

Not finished yet

Since Nyquist’s days, it is implicitly assumed that Johnson’s noise is due to thermal agitation at the same place where this noise is felt. This…     more

*The descriptions are based on the author’s memory, as recorded in 2024.

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