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Case of thermodynamic failure in the Ginzburg-Landau approach to fluctuation superconductivity
Phys. Rev. B 109 (2024) 024501
Heat flow in equilibrium? A nonuniform superconducting loop above its critical temperature encloses a magnetic flux. As in the case of the Nernst effect, there are two asymmetries in the system: a non-integer number of flux quanta, that yields an asymmetry between clockwise and counterclockwise, and nonuniform cross section of the loop, that is different for "up" and for "down."
Following the usual accepted assumptions in fluctuation superconductivity results in heat that is imparted to part of the loop and removed in the other part. Various methods were considered and they agree with each other. Neither the author nor the referees have found a caveat, so that you can be the first to find one.
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